新的圖書館空間根據市場調查要表現出精心設計、有活力的感受,並且要能秉持公平原則考量兼容所有的種族、年紀與能力的使用者。設置的地點以節省能源的方式,選擇讓讀者容易抵達的商業中心、地鐵站旁。醒目的Idea標語,以企業化形象標示讓讀者感受到資訊的可取和易於感受。館藏包含各式資料與各種年齡層所需的終身學習資源,靈活的彈性可以適應各種不同使用者的喜好和習慣。館內有各種公用電腦與設備,符合大多數使用者直覺式的操作模式;空間設計提供使用者身體尺寸及可能的姿態、機動性,不論使用者站或坐著的時候都要能夠有良好、清楚的視野和舒適的感覺,並可以兼顧整體美觀的感受。Idea Store讓公共圖書館重新找到了新的方向,結合圖書館、學習中心、資訊中心的新概念,讓圖書館不只是圖書館,還成為的社區重要的資源中心。
Store 的副理。(註2)這次應邀來台談Idea
Store,從Idea Store創新的概念可得知其同時兼具圖書館與成人教育學院,開設了800種課程,經營中成功的關鍵是以人為導向,深植社區內資訊和生活所需,成功締造圖書館服務的新面向。Idea Store擷取書店和零售店對商品陳列的概念,吸引讀者的注意力,以客戶為思考核心,營造更親和和實用的介面,Idea Store工作團隊重組圖書館對資訊的展示和運用方式,進而呼應當地居民在健康與工作上的切身需要,提供更好的經營策略,讓圖書館能發揮改善生活品質的功能。
Store花了兩年的時間和社區居民溝通,了解到居民需要一個有歸屬感的環境,資訊內容必須和生活有關,居民可以在環境中可以得到必要的關注、互動溝通的營造和自由自在的享受學習資訊,這樣才有可能激發學習的熱情。在網路中發現很多Idea Store以學習實務為出發的成功例子,從報告中看到Idea Store提供的讀書會分享,是深度的討論和主題探索,在圖書館特闢討論空間,並且提供豐富的相關主題書籍讓讀者充分瀏覽與討論,把書籍當成真正的生活相關和創造趣味來達成傳播與分享,是圖書館中責無旁貸的責任。(註3)
整體而言,我們看見在圖書館品牌表現在Idea Store的圖書館的服務和推廣的活動,是將終身教育為目標,以社區內居民整體的活動來營造環境和各種服務的可能性,所以圖書館的價值感受就在終身學習的過程中,讓接受服務的讀者,從各種資訊啟蒙和豐富資源的歷程去體驗圖書館的意義,認同圖書館成為生活所必需,最後豐碩成個人的生命,達到終身教育的使命。
Library Watch:是否請您談談你所在的圖書館與服務內容?
Store是一種創新的概念,集合圖書館、學習中心和資訊中心的網絡資源中心。位在倫敦的哈姆雷特塔,這裡是倫敦32個行政區之一,有26.5萬的人口,其中51%來有色人種,以32%人口來自自孟加拉裔為大宗,剩下的19%有回教、中國、越南、非洲和西印度等民族。有多元種族的特色,也同時在本區域內呈現兩種不同的極端,一邊是全英國最貧窮的地區,有高失業率與低教育程度。另一邊卻是因為處在本區Canary Wharf的重要金融位置,有許多跨國企業在此成立公司,每日吸引10萬名高薪者到這個行政區工作。
Idea Stores提供傳統的圖書館服務,可免費的使用館藏書籍、電子資源和服務,同時還提供800種成人或家庭課程,如芳香治療、Photoshop、瑜珈、英語和其他外國語學習、烹飪、寶來塢時尚、都市爵士舞、視覺藝術、汽車維護等等。我們還提供咖啡、簡餐和點心,還有藝術家的展覽空間。
Library Watch:從你的經驗談談Idea
我們成功且受到歡迎的因素是我們將人的需求放在思考核心。Idea Stores的形成就是經過當地居民詳盡市調的結果,同時也是我們的願景和長期規劃思考的依據。例如:調查報告中發現大家想要可以適應現代社會生活所需的服務,我們用每周71小時的長期開放時段的實體空間和24小時不打烊的電子資源服務來呼應。市調中民眾還期待場地的感受要像零售商店,所以我們從百貨公司、咖啡廳、餐廳、戲院來擷取經驗與元素到公共圖書館服務中。如此締造了一個讀者新感受,我們做的每件事都是為他們所設想,這是讀者前所未經歷過的。我們的堅持塑造了一好的傾聽者形象,願意為讀者做各種的改善方案。
Library Watch:Idea
Library Watch:你的圖書館如何營造書、資源和讀者之間的關係?中間的組成秘方是什麼?
我們的職責之一是去支援讀者的需要,很多讀者在未修業完成就離開學校,他們一直到就業階段找不到工作後才發現讀寫能力的不足或者有疑似文盲的狀況。 圖書館於是開設讀寫能力課程,並鼓勵讀者廣泛應用閱讀資源。同時,站在我們的核心任務的立場,我們非常鼓勵讀者去享受閱讀的樂趣。社區內有各種不同的需求,我們的挑戰就是去照顧所有的面向和大小需要。透過專門為讀者需求設計有品質館藏和線上資源來服務讀者,我們一再測試和著墨零售業的服務技巧,特別是應用書店技巧,用品質來確保我們讀者的再回到圖書館,提升我們的回客率。
Library Watch:在多樣元素混搭和服務價值中,如何適切的樹立圖書館品牌?
Library Watch:Could you tell us
briefly about the services offered by your library?
Store is an innovative concept combining library, learning and information
services within a network of venues in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, one
of the 32 independent London boroughs, with a population of 265,000, of which 51%
non-white, with 32% of the community of Bangladeshi origin, with the rest made
up of people from Somali, Chinese, Vietnamese, African and West Indian
backgrounds. The borough is
characterised by a rich diversity and by two extremes: on one hand it’s one of
the most deprived area in the UK, with high levels of unemployment and low
levels of literacy and numeracy, and on the other it hosts the financial
district of Canary Wharf, which includes many multinational businesses, and
attracts 100,000 workers daily to the area, mostly on high salaries.
Stores offer a traditional library service – that is, free access to a large
collection of books and digital resources, as well as information services. They also provide more than 800 courses for
adults and families in subjects such as Aromatherapy, Photoshop, Yoga, English
and Foreign Languages, Cookery, Bollywood Fashion, Urban Jazz Dancing, Visual
Arts, Car Maintenance and many more. We
have also cafes offering hot and cold food and refreshments and a gallery space
that exhibits work by local and international artists.
Library Watch:The Idea Store concept is now twelve years old.
What are the keys to be still successful and popular?
One of
the reasons we are still successful, popular and relevant to people’s needs is
that the Idea Store concept was the result of comprehensive, in-depth marketing
research involving local residents. The
findings were key in forming our vision and long term strategy. For example, people told us they wanted a
service that suited their modern life needs, which means having access to
buildings and resources seven days a week, so we introduced longer opening
hours (71 per week), and our 24-hour digital library. They also wanted to come to a place with the
look and feel of retail, so we had to learn important lessons from department
stores, cafes, restaurants, theatres and cinemas and adapt these to a public
library service. So, the emphasis has
been on putting people (customers) at the centre of everything we do, in a way
that had never been done before. I think
we are generally good listeners, and take on board people’s suggestions for
improvements all the time, so this is one of the ways of doing this.
strategy has resulted in a remarkable success (400% increase in usage, 92%
customer satisfaction levels), so we have been able to demonstrate to decision
makers that our library and learning service is greatly valued by the local
population, and many think we are an essential part of our community. This has meant that we are in a stronger
position than most other libraries in the UK, which are being closed because
there’s less money to spend on public services and cannot demonstrate that
their communities would greatly suffer as a result of their closure.
Library Watch:From your perspectives, the success of Idea
Store, in terms of library service model, what would be the major differences
between the traditional library service and the next generation library
The main
difference between Idea Stores and traditional library services is that we have
integrated our adult and family learning offer with the library service. There are other libraries that offer some
learning opportunities, for example music or art history lectures, or foreign
language teaching, but I have never seen anyone who offers learning and library
services so well integrated. This is
because, unlike other libraries, the learning offer is core business for us,
not just an added activity delivered through a partnership with an adult
college or similar - we are both the library and the adult college! We have a single staffing structure, and the
Head of Idea Store (my boss) takes strategic decisions on both learning and
libraries. Also, our frontline staff are
trained to support users who need help on the library as well as the learning
side (although when it comes to the teaching of the courses, we employ
professionally qualified teachers).
Library Watch:How you or your library create the relationship
between the book/resources and readers? What are secrets inside?
One of
our roles it to support people in whatever reading needs they have: many local
residents have left school with little or no qualifications, and as they grow
up they realize that they are virtually illiterate, and life is much harder for
them, because they cannot find work. We
are there to help them, whether through literacy courses or by encouraging them
to use our wide range of free reading resources (books, but also online). At the same time, we are also here to encourage
people of all abilities to enjoy the pure pleasure of reading, because this is
our mission. We are aware that there are
different needs in the community, and the challenge is to cater for all these,
not just for one group or another. Our
quality book collection and online resources are designed to meet these needs,
and we use tried and tested techniques from the retail world, particularly in
bookshops, to ensure that people use our services and come back for more.
Library Watch:How to create library brand through mashing up
all the components of the service and value at the right place?
Over the
last 12 years we’ve strengthened and consolidated our brand, which is now well
established in the community and valued internationally, but a good brand needs
to keep up to date with developments in the outside world. In our case, we’ve responded to changes by
ensuring our strategy continues to meet the needs of local residents. In recent years we have realized that local
people are primarily concerned with issues related to health and work. This is not very surprising, because we are
aware that we have many negative records related to poor health in this area,
and one of the highest levels of unemployment in the UK. Unlike other library services we’ve come
across elsewhere, instead of thinking that health and work should not be the main
concern for a library service, we have embraced the challenge and created a
Health Strategy and are working on an Employment Strategy. We think we can
actively support those who need the most help in these areas, and we see our
library, learning and information services being particularly well suited in
doing this, whether this is through the provision of reading materials in the
health and work areas, relevant courses and information, or partnership working
with local agents and organisations. Ultimately, we are here to improve people’s
quality of life, in whatever way possible – I think this should be the main
mission for all libraries.
【採訪撰稿 ● 林孟玲】
1. 朱沛亭(2005), idea STORE另類的未來圖書館,傢飾雜誌,第42期
2. An introduction about Sergio Dogliani in the Nordic
Library Conference, 2012. http://www.statsbiblioteket.dk/nordic2012/welcome-front-page/speakers-1/sergio-dogliani
Accessed on 2014/10/20 accessed
on 2014/10/15
3. Report from the Human Library at the IDEA Store in
London.(2008) http://humanlibrary.org/report-from-the-living-library-at-the-idea-store-in-london..html
access on 2014/10/20