(續上篇)在RMIT Publishing資料庫的"Business Collection"我們進一步來探討澳洲經濟面臨的問題中,首先衝擊到的是澳幣貶值下挫的問題。藉由查找到澳洲經濟和澳幣關係的研究資料,可以去分析及了解整體貨幣經濟環境的影響,譬如:"The resources boom and the Australian dollar"(Ecodate, Vol. 27, No. 4, Aug 2013: 5-8),探討了資源繁榮與澳幣發展。
" Impact of Commodities on the Australian Economy and
Currency "( InFinance: The Magazine for
Finsia Members, No. 5, Dec 2010: 38-39)則指出貨幣對於澳洲經濟發展的影響。而在" The 80 or 70 cent
dollar?"( The Magazine for Finsia Members, Vol. 127, No. 3, Sep 2013:
40-41),報導了澳幣匯率的議題、" Understanding the appreciation of the
Australian dollar and its policy implications"( Economic Round-up, No. 2,
2012: 39-61),解說了澳元升值及其政策含義以及" Looking to recoup the costs of the high Australian dollar
"(Today, Sep, Sept 2013: 36)探討和尋找澳幣重返榮景的方案,都是了解澳洲貨幣政策發展的資料。
另外,多數的預測單位都提到澳元貨幣的貶值所帶來的影響,對於澳大利亞整個商業經濟的發展同樣有許多的衝擊,RMIT Publishing資料庫同樣也提供了許多可以參考的資料,例如金融政策與發展:"
Financial regulation and finance sector evolution: Looking ahead"(The
Magazine for Finsia Members, Vol. 127, No. 2, Jun 2013:
22-28)、"The break-up of the Eurozone?"( The,
Vol. 23, No. 4, Nov 2012: 25-38)、"Is China's
slowdown ringing the bell on Australia's
growth?"(Equity, Vol. 26, No. 10, Oct 2012: 4-6)。投資與交易市場的風險:"The outlook for bond markets Is there a
bubble?"( The Magazine for Finsia Members, Vol. 127, No. 1, Mar 2013:
39-41);" Title: Dynamic investment strategies for corporate
pension funds in the presence of sponsor risk"(Investment Magazine, No.
89, Nov 2012: 42-43)。或者是通貨膨脹:"Inflation
hedging and long-term investment decisions"(Investment Magazine, No. 95,
Jun 2013: 42-43)、"Inflation, inflation uncertainty and
macroeconomic performance in Australia"(Analysis
and Policy, Vol. 42, No. 3, Dec 2012: 305-318) 、"Billy
Snedden: The challenge of incipient inflation"( Economic Round-up, No. 1,
June 2013: 21-31)。
曾有句戲言,看澳洲經濟是否繁榮,只要從空中看澳洲的礦坑有多大。亞洲對資源的需求決定了澳洲經濟的未來,但礦業的繁榮掩蓋不了澳洲經濟整體的不平衡。我們透過了RMIT Publishing資料庫內收錄豐富且具權威的學術研究報告和文章可以知道,經濟的發展牽動著整個國家的運作,當澳洲的失業率正在不斷的上升,就業市場低迷直接加大經濟復甦的風險。而澳儲維持寬鬆貨幣政策,持續的打壓匯率的行為和市場對澳儲降息的預期,則將進一步推高房價和股市的上揚,讓資產泡沫的壓力也將隨之加大,這些種種問題都將讓2014年成為澳洲經濟發展的挑戰。反觀台灣的經濟發展現況以及相關的就業市場和通貨膨脹的問題,同樣可以借鏡澳洲,用更全面且通盤的角度去關注和探討。
- Reserve Bank of Australia
- Australian dollar forecasts for 2014 from Barclays: A lower Aus Dollar seen in 2014
- IMF: The Australian Dollar Should Fall To 80 Cents
- The downside to a lower Australian dollar
- Australian dollar after jobs data shock
- Australian dollar drifts as traders wait for direction
- 澳洲預算赤字恐將持續 10 年
- 澳洲能不再依賴礦業 邁開新步伐? 高盛:2014年是關鍵
- 恐怖!澳洲就業人數意外大減,澳元重貶至三年低
- 墨爾本皇家理工大學(RMIT University)